
Photo-Picker While digging through an iPhone one day I came across an area that grabbed my attention. Looking at the following location: Private\var\mobile\Contains\Data\PluginKitPlugin\<Application_GUID>\ MCMMetadataIdentifier key I was able to determine r is the application bundle ID using this file system location. Inside the */Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/<Application GUID>/tmp/ folder in this location were several .mov files. So I asked myself "What is Photo-Picker? and "How did these files get here?" What is Photo-Picker? "User Selected" User Intent" - Apple WWDC 2021 Bless the Apple dev's and their naming conventions. This plugin does exactly what it's called. The short version, for those not wanting to watch the video linked below, is this plugin was introduced in iOS 14 as a "privacy" feature. Photo-Picker allows ap...